This is the last week of ordering from the online farmers market for the Spring Season 2022. After this week we go on summer break from this sun! We’ll be back in the fall 2022. Exact date we’ll announce closer to opening.

The market opens Saturdays 8am to Wednesdays 5pm. Pick up your order on Thursdays in Frenchtown. This means you can do the shopping from you phone or home from local farms online beginning at 8am on Saturdays.

The Market Managers have temporarily disabled ordering at this market.

Hot Sauces

Search entire market by all or part of product name:
Shangri La Hot Sauce
Grower: Shangri La VI
Price: $6.00 ( 5 oz )
Available (Exact): 10

All local Shangri La sweet and spicy ingredients (except for the salt). **please keep refrigerated** no preservatives more